AM Invoices: Applying Payment Discounts

How to apply a payment discount to Amend Invoice in AccountMate - AR Module

If you want to apply a payment discount; then, this will depend on the invoice's pay code (Create Invoice ► Payment/Bill To/Ship To ► Payment ► Pay Code field). It must be a Terms type pay code.

If the customer paid on or before the due date; then, the discount can be applied together with the payment by just double-clicking the Apply Payment ► Apply Amount field for the invoice (the payment as well as the discount will be automatically populated.

If the payment is already applied and you just need to record the discount, select the invoice in the Apply Payment screen; then, right-click on the Adjustment column label to display the Adjustment window. you can enter the discount amount in the Discount Amt field. Please note that the maximum discount you can enter will be based on the Disc % for the pay code.