1. Customer Help Center
  2. Payment Processor
  3. Prism Workflows for Processing Payments

Auto Pay through Prism’s Payment Processing Center

How to set configure auto pay for payment processing

You can process payments in batch auto pay by going to the Payment processing center. (Go to Transactions, Step5 – Import/Complete Tickets, Payment processing center) 

Enter the Pay Code you wish to run, the Process Date, and the Batch #. You will also want to select the Check (uncheck all) box and Group By Cust #.  

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NOTE: The process date will be the date that the Payments are set in your AccountMate System after “Run”.  These payments will show in AccountMate Cash receipts and Applied Payment distribution report on the date set for “process date”.

Batch #’s are typically the date, followed by a letter (Example: 20180228a). These are used for reconciliation and can be generated automatically if you do not supply one.  

Click Search. You can then view all the invoices for customers with that pay code, on that date, with that batch #. The Check (uncheck all) will automatically set the invoices to Valid as shown in the following image. If left unchecked, all invoices will be left unchecked. You will select this based on the number of invoices a customer may have or if you are running the batch for multiple customers.  

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To choose which Invoices to bill, you can check or uncheck the in the Valid column of the grid. If the box is already unchecked, this means the Invoice is not able to be processed (bad profile, expired card, mis-entered information, etc.). 

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Click Run to process the payments. 

IMPORTANT: When you click Run, the payments will be processed. They will be scheduled by the Merchant processor to be collected and the invoices will be paid in Prism. 

If no Batch # was entered, a screen will pop up asking to continue. This will then auto assign a batch # for you.  

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To view information about the payments processed, you will refer to the Payment Processer and Payment Processor process info: 

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Those that have valid profiles will have a checkmark in the Processed column. If the card is approved, you do not need to post it – it is automatically posting for you.  

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Those that are not valid (bad profile, expired card, mis-entered information) will be in red for you to call the customer.  Those that are not valid will keep presenting to the user to process in the future.  

After running the payments, the grid acts as your report so it’s best practice to export to Excel using the Excel button. This report shows the amount charged to customer’s card or bank account. Saving this file locally also provides a resource for historical purposes.  


  • If a customer’s Pay Code is set to one of the “CC….” methods, all invoices will be charged that are open when doing auto pay processing.  
  • If customer Pay Code is not set to one of the “CC….” methods, but an invoice is set to one of the “CC….” methods, then the invoice will be charged when doing auto pay processing. 

NOTE: Once you “RUN”, payments will be in AccountMate, payments will be in the Queue to be processed by CardConnect, and in the Unsettled transactions on CardConnect. CardConnect payments will process and become settled, all at one time. The default time is 6pm EST. If you would like to change this to work related to your operational process in the office, please change in CardConnect. Typically, you want the process time of CardConnect to be at a time that does NOT interfere with your daily workflow.  If 6pm is too early, set it later so your AccountMate reports match out to CardConnect reports.