Check In and Out

Workflow of Load& Check. Check in and out button for checkers

Checking Out a Driver

  • Checker can load truck by clicking Load & Check

  • Checker will make sure correct items are loaded on truck.

  • Checker will enter their Login and Password, and click Apply

  • Click Reports

  • Click Load Report by Onhand to check what is loaded on truck.

  • Complete Stops as usual

  • When completing Stops, click on items to view how many are left on truck

  • In this example, the amount of cases left on the truck is 11

Checking In a Driver

  • When the truck returns from completing all stops, the Checker will click Check In

  • Check In will show the list of items and their variances.
  • In this example, the item has a variance of 0 because the truck should have 4 cases left after deliveries, and that is how many it returned with. Therefore, all the cases of this item are accounted for.

  • In this example, the variance is 1 because although the driver had entered on Minimate that he sold 2 cases, the checker is counting 3 cases of the item left on the truck.
  • This can occur because while the Sales Detail Report (below) shows that 2 cases of Sunkist Pineapple were delivered, the driver might have made an error in delivering an extra case of Sunkist Orange, instead of the Sunkist Pineapple.

  • In this example, the item has a variance of -2 because the truck should have 8 cases, but the checker only counts 6 cases. Therefore, 2 cases are not accounted for.

  • The Checker then enters his Login and Password and clicks Apply

  • After the truck has checked in, the Over/Under Driver Report and Case In shows all of the items that have variances not equal to 0.

  • This report shows all of the items that have variances. Here are the two from the previous examples.