1. Customer Help Center
  2. Payment Processor
  3. Prism Workflows for Processing Payments

Collecting on Overdue Customers - Charging an existing card

How to collect overdue payments

A useful workflow process is to view your customers by their current balance. You can do this by going to the Customers Smart grid and sorting the Balance column by clicking on “Balance”. This way you can easily view which customers owe you money. 

Select a customer and click the “Balance” button to view balance information. This will open the Open Invoices and Customer Credits window. 

Go to the Invoices tab to view the invoices that make up the customer’s balance. 

Click the “CC” link to open the Payment processing center.  

Clicking the “CC” link from the Open Invoices and Customer Credits form will open the open invoices for that specific customer in the payment processing center. If the customer has a credit card or bank account entered, you can charge payments directly from here. If multiple cards or accounts are on file, the card marked “DEFAULT” will always be utilized. If the customer does not have payment information set up, follow the instructions starting on page 5 of this guide.  

Invoices that can be run will have the box on the left side of the grid checked. Invoices that are unable to be processed will not have this box checked. 

All the invoice payments will be processed at the same time, so before you run the payments, ask your customer if they are able to pay for all the invoices at the same time. If they are, then make sure all the invoices are checked. If they are not able to pay for all of them, only check off the ones that they wish to pay. When ready to proceed, click Run to process the payments. 

IMPORTANT: When you click Run, the payments will be processed. They will be scheduled by the Merchant processor to be collected and the invoices will be paid in Prism. 

To view information about the payments processed, you will refer to the Payment Processer and Payment Processor process info: 

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Those that have valid profiles will have a checkmark in the Processed column. If the card is approved, you do not need to post it – it is automatically posting for you. 

Graphical user interface, application

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Those that are not valid (bad profile, expired card, mis-entered information) will be in red for you to call the customer.  Those that are not valid will keep presenting to the user to process in the future.