Completing Tickets in ServQuest

Once tickets have been fulfilled by delivery, sales, or a technician, they can be completed in ServQuest and converted into an Invoice for Accounting purposes.

Tickets Smart Search

Navigating to the Tickets Smart Search, you can refresh your page to see all your tickets in the system. It is helpful to utilize the date ranges to filter on if you do not wish to see your full list of tickets.

Additionally, you can utilize the smart grid itself to filter for things like Status Code (is the ticket Open, Closed, Completed), or if the Ticket was voided, so long as you are displaying those columns on the Smart Grid configuration. If you are not, you can add them back using the column chooser.

You can then search for the ticket by various available criteria such as the Ticket #, Customer #, Ship Address, etc. In our example, we are searching by the ticket number:

Tickets from this view can be completed 2 ways. The first way, you can highlight the ticket, as shown in the image above, and then click the complete button at the top of the screen.

By doing this, you will open the Complete Work Ticket Form. This allows you to review the items on the ticket and make any changes if there are any to be made. If no changes need to be made, you can simply select Save & Complete at the top of the form.

Once you have selected Save & Complete, the ticket will be converted to an invoice and, as a ticket, will be read-only.

If you need to make further changes once it is completed, you can do so by Amending the Invoice before it is sent to the customer.

The second way to complete a ticket from this area, is by double-clicking on the highlighted ticket and opening the Amend Ticket form.

This form also allows you to make any changes before the ticket is completed and converted to an invoice. If no changes are required, you can go ahead and click on Save & Complete to complete the ticket.

You will be prompted in this form, however, if you are certain you wish to complete the ticket. If you are, click yes.

This will bring up the next prompt to either Print Preview the Invoice, go to the Next Ticket or close. If you have additional tickets you wish to review, best practice would be to select Next Ticket and then enter in the ticket number in the Amend Work Ticket form and hit enter.

Schedules Smart Search

Navigating to the Schedules Smart Search, if you haven’t already, you should refresh the page to see all active schedules. To locate open tickets, you will want to search for a specific customer to find their schedule. You can then either access the tickets generated from that schedule from the Schedule Smart Search or by opening the Schedule itself.

From the search results, highlight the schedule you wish to review tickets for. You can then click on the Ticket’s button at the top of the screen.

This will open the Open Tickets / Invoices form in ServQuest for that specific customer schedule.

You can then simply highlight the Ticket to complete, which will open up the Work Ticket Complete form.

This allows you to review the items on the ticket and make any changes if there are any to be made. If no changes need to be made, you can simply select Save & Complete at the top of the form.

Once you have selected Save & Complete, the ticket will be converted to an invoice and, as a ticket, will be read-only.

If you need to make further changes once it is completed, you can do so by Amending the Invoice before it is sent to the customer. If you do not select Next Ticket and instead select Close, this will take you back the to Open Tickets / Invoices form.

The other way to access the tickets on the customer schedule is to open the schedule itself and click on the blue hyperlink labeled Tickets on the top of the Schedule.

This will also open the Open Tickets / Invoices form. You can follow the steps previously provided for this form above.