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  2. Payment Processor
  3. CardPointe Desktop Control Panel – Reporting

Review Captured (unsettled payments) and Processed (settled payments) on CardConnect

How to review unsettled payments and settled payments in CardConnect

NOTE: Once you “RUN”, payments will be in AccountMate, payments will be in the Queue to be processed by CardConnect, and in the Unsettled transactions on CardConnect.  CardConnect payments will process and become settled, all at one time.  The default time is 6pm EST. If you would like to change this to work related to your operational process in the office, please change in CardConnect.  Typically, you want the process time of CardConnect to be at a time that does NOT interfere with your daily workflow.  If 6pm is too early, set it later so your AccountMate reports match CardConnect reports. 

To view transactions, sign into the CardConnect website. Then go to the Reporting -> Transactions. 

Enter any filters for which you’d like to view the unsettled transactions (Date, etc.). The Status shows which payments are unsettled/unprocessed or processed.  

  • “Captured” = Unsettled 
  • “Batched” = Ready to be settled overnight 
  • “Processed” = Settled