Setups - Customers, Items, Tanks
- Return Customer #
- Return Customer # must exist to represent the Return Warehouse
- Must start with “RET%”
- Example: “RET-NYC” is NYC Warehouse
- SVC Schedule must exist for the RETURN Customer
- Ticket Type on RETURN Customer SVC Schedule must be “FILLTANK”
- Item # FILLTANK must exist on RETURN Customer SVC Schedule
- Item Class = TYPE4
- Item Maintenance > Information Tab
- Handheld Item Type = “Equipment” and Export = Checked
- Item Maintenance > Prism Tab
- Item Class = TYPE4
4. Tank Manifolds
- Tank Manifolds must exist in the TANKS SmartGrid under the FILLTANK Item #, at the Return Warehouse Customer location
- Tank Manifold serial numbers should be unique, to represent the manifold type
- Gas Lot # is set at the Tank Manifold level, so that every tank filled from that manifold receives the corresponding Gas Lot #, as well as last Fill Date
- When your vendor refills YOUR manifold, they will give you the Lot#
- Access the serial# of the Manifold(s) fill in Tank Maintenance for this Return customer and update the Lot# so cylinders filled from that point forward will be filled with the new lot#
- Class = TANKS
- Deposit Item should be the DEP# per tank type
- Charge Deposit Item checkbox must be turned on